The Keto diet has become a popular, carb-limiting diet that has been heralded as a great option for weight loss and muscle retention. This high-fat and high-protein diet has many fans. But what everyone really wants to know is, how long does it take for it to start working? Many dieters have stuck to meal plans for weeks before seeing any results, but seeing first results for the Keto diet doesn’t take as long as you might think. The human body can take between two to four days to enter Ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic process during which, if sugars are not available, the body will begin to burn fat. But how long it takes to see results will depend on a few factors. If you’re curious about how long it takes the Keto diet to work, keep reading. The Goals of the Diet Depending on what you want your result to be, the Keto diet may take anywhere between a couple of days to a few months. Those who are looking to lose weight quickly on the Keto diet will begin to see cha...